As with auto insurance, you must maintain a motorcycle insurance policy to operate your bike on the road. Like many other types of insurance, the specific motorcycle coverage requirements vary from one state to another, so you'll need to verify the specific laws in your area. Although the required coverage amounts may vary, they generally fall into the same categories.
Bodily injury liability coverage is always required, though the amount you'll need will depend on the specific laws in your state. This aspect of your coverage pays for any medical bills incurred by other parties in a motorcycle accident that is your fault.
You'll also need to have property liability coverage, which covers damage to the other driver's vehicle or other physical items in an accident that you caused. This coverage will not pay to fix any damage to your motorcycle if you were at fault in the accident, just the other person's.
If you want to include coverage for your own bike in an accident where you are at fault, you'll need to have collision coverage. If you have financed your motorcycle, your lender will likely require you to have this coverage, though it will typically be optional once your loan is paid off.
In some cases, the other driver or drivers involved in the accident may be illegally driving without insurance or with inadequate coverage. Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage will fill in the gaps, covering anything not taken care of under the other driver's policy, if they have one at all. Again, your lender will likely require you to have this additional coverage, even if it is not required by law in your state.
Comprehensive insurance covers a variety of other types of damage, like if a fire or flood damages your bike or a tree falls on it during a storm. Many lenders will require this coverage, though it is typically not legally required for those without loans on their motorcycles. If your bike is of high value, though, it is a good idea to include this coverage for your own protection.
We welcome you to get in touch with the motorcycle insurance experts here at Lang Insurance. We'll be happy to review your options with you to help you determine how much coverage you need. We'll ensure you meet the requirements of your state and lender while also including any additional coverage to enhance your peace of mind. Get in touch today to request a free quote, or fill out our handy online contact form.